Christmas Control

18 Dec


It’s that time of year and everyone’s got Christmas parties, lunches, dinners, drinks, chocolates in the office and many more obstacles for those wanting to stay in shape!

Even I know its not realistic to stick to a strict diet and training schedule this time of year. But there’s a big difference between deviating and blowing out! There’s a few different ways to tackle this time of year, so pick the tactic that suits you best…

1. TRAIN HARDER. If you plan on drinking at all the parties and eating whatever at the lunches then burn it off in the gym. Really up the ante and throw in some extra sessions as well as upping the intensity!

2. ONCE PER WEEK go all out. If you have more than one event each week then stick to your diet and don’t drink except for at 1. That way you can guilt free get into the spirit of it, similar to the weekly cheat meal concept.

3. PICK YOUR POISON. At each party or dinner allow yourself one small indulgence. Maybe have a glass of wine or two but eat well. Or have a salad and no alcohol but enjoy the dessert.

Ultimately be responsible. 1 or 2kg weight gain this time of year isn’t too hard to work off. Especially in the new year, you’ll hopefully have fresh motivation and the hot weather and threatening bikini in your draw should motivate you to lose it but there’s a big difference between 2kgs and 5!

Happy Holidays šŸ™‚


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