Tag Archives: control

Christmas Control

18 Dec


It’s that time of year and everyone’s got Christmas parties, lunches, dinners, drinks, chocolates in the office and many more obstacles for those wanting to stay in shape!

Even I know its not realistic to stick to a strict diet and training schedule this time of year. But there’s a big difference between deviating and blowing out! There’s a few different ways to tackle this time of year, so pick the tactic that suits you best…

1. TRAIN HARDER. If you plan on drinking at all the parties and eating whatever at the lunches then burn it off in the gym. Really up the ante and throw in some extra sessions as well as upping the intensity!

2. ONCE PER WEEK go all out. If you have more than one event each week then stick to your diet and don’t drink except for at 1. That way you can guilt free get into the spirit of it, similar to the weekly cheat meal concept.

3. PICK YOUR POISON. At each party or dinner allow yourself one small indulgence. Maybe have a glass of wine or two but eat well. Or have a salad and no alcohol but enjoy the dessert.

Ultimately be responsible. 1 or 2kg weight gain this time of year isn’t too hard to work off. Especially in the new year, you’ll hopefully have fresh motivation and the hot weather and threatening bikini in your draw should motivate you to lose it but there’s a big difference between 2kgs and 5!

Happy Holidays 🙂


Loving your food sick…Literally.

19 Oct


The relationship we have with food can be a little too intimate sometimes can’t it?

We are living in a world where a good chunk of us are dealing with deep rooted food issues. Eating disorders are more prevalent than ever and a fair few of those without one still display some downright unhealthy eating habits. Diet is just one big grey area and for anyone trying to regulate their eating I wouldn’t bother turning to your female friends or co workers for an example of how to eat. To your left you’ve probably got the friend who eats an apple for lunch because she’s just SO busy, on your right the skinny receptionist that seems to eat more than your male friends and the big girl in the office that’s always on a diet!

A big part of the problem is that diet and weight are taboo and people’s problems with food are usually secret. How many times have you been home alone one night and devoured all the ‘naughty food’ in the cupboard? Compare that to how many times you’ve gone to a party and done that publicly? Almost never right?

So how do you keep your weight in check if your a food lover? You need to re create the relationship you have with food. It will take practice and it will take making mistakes but until you change how you see food you will be left feeling deprived! The best way to think of food is as fuel, something that the body needs. Would you ever get over excited and flood your car with petrol? Eating for nourishment can be satisfying and yummy too don’t worry. Put your energy into feeling good and learning to listen to what the body wants not what your taste buds want or what emotions your brains trying to suppress.

It is possible to adjust your thinking and I’m not going to promise its easy or goes away completely but I can promise it does get easier. Take it from a girl that used to go to parties for the food only. Imagine a 10yr old stuffing herself until she was sick and honest to god wandering how all the other kids would rather play than eat? Weirdos. If you think you need professional help don’t be afraid to ask. Habits only get stronger and stronger so don’t wait for Monday or the new year or for work to slowdown, act NOW and create the new you!

Riss 🙂